TREVOR BABAJACK STEGER: Perhaps best known as a founder member of the Multi-award winning band ‘Babajack’, Trevor Babajack Steger has established himself as an accomplished solo performer. His first solo album, ‘Sawdust Man’ reminds us how powerful a writer, musician and performer he is. The only thing better than listening to this is to watch Trevor playing live, to witness the transformation he undergoes during each performance. A Tour-de-force with only his guitar, harp, voice and a stompbox.
“Howling Wolf meets Screaming Jay Hawkins…..carried on the wings of a wailing slide guitar” Blues in Britain
“Trevor Babajack Steger puts teeth in the blues with Sawdust Man” Blues Doodles
“Epic Debut Solo Album” Blues & Roots Radio
Blues & Roots Radio Worldwide – Nominated Best Blues Album of the Year 2018
Radio 2 Playlisted